Together, let's empower people to be more engaged in their world.
Immigrant teens interning at Global Growers learn about content strategy and sharing their unique voice in a zine making workshop.
I’ve worked with.
What I do.
Alongside collaborators and colleagues, I help people define products and experiences from observations about users. By meeting the user where they're at, we can help them connect with the tools that help them reach their goals. Your product helps them reach that future, and research-informed experience design helps us understand how we can help them get there. Together, we create tomorrow.
Imagining Utopian Futures with Zen Lara and Jess Lewis. Post-Tech Radio. February 5 2021. Listen here.
Let’s Get Digi-Physical: How to Design Experiential Spaces. SCAD. November 5th 2019.
Alien Concepts: Creating Sci-Fi Utopias Through Zine Making. Southern Fried Queer Pride. June 2019.
Hot Diggity Darn: Basic Mending Techniques. Queer Apocalypse Skillshare. May 2019.
Dark Patterns in Technology. SCAD. February 2019.
Our Food: Zine Making Workshop. Global Growers. May 2018.
Southern Roots: Zine Making Workshop. MODA. March 2018.
Soft Circuitry Workshop. MODA. Various, 2017-2018.
Subversive Cross Stitch Workshop. PCM & MODA. Over 100. 2017-2018.
Storied Skateboards. MODA. January 2018.
Know Your Rights: Screenprinting Workshop Featuring Designs by Meredith White and Lennie Gray Mowris. Wonderoot & MODA. 2017